Children & Youth
Children and youth are an important part of St James'. We support children, young people and their families through various events in the year and through our Youth and Schools Leader, Amy. Some of these events and activities are in the church but others are in homes and elsewhere in the community.
There is lots going on in Chipping Campden and across the VaCE Team.

Children at St James'
Happy Faces is a toddler group for
pre-schoolers and their carers. They meet on Mondays, 9.00 am to 10.30am in term time only in the Church Rooms, Chipping Campden. Everybody is welcome. You can follow us on Facebook @Happyfaces. We look forward to meeting you. Happy Faces is headed up by Ros Bishop.
“The Ten” is held at 10 am on the 1st Sunday of the month; a Messy
church-style service for all ages. This is a popular, fun, and relaxed service where parents can enjoy a cup of coffee whilst their children join in the various craft activities.
Coming in 2022 - Junior church will be held on the 3rd Sunday of the month. This is open to all children in both KS1 and KS2. It is a fun way for the children within the church to explore and grow in faith. Children and young people are especially welcome at the 11 am services.
In addition to these services in St James, Amy is involved in the planning and delivery of multiple family services and activities across the VaCE Team.

Youth at St James' Church
Life groups are held once a week for various ages within the VaCE team. This is an opportunity for young people to get into scripture and explore the Christian faith in a deeper way. It is a fun, relaxed environment where friendships are formed, and discipleship is at its core.
Schools' Work
We have good links with St James' & Ebrington Primary schools & Chipping Campden School (CCS) secondary school
Bright Sparks is a school club for both KS1 & KS2, run at either lunchtime or after school. The children have a great time learning stories from the bible through games, craft, and discussion.
Collective worship: Amy and the rest of the team regularly attend and lead collective worship; helping teach the school’s termly Christian values and supporting the delivery of the Religious Education curriculum.
Prayer spaces in school: this is a wonderfully creative and engaging way for Amy and the team to support mindfulness, reflection, and faith. This is hugely popular with teachers and pupils. Once a year Amy and some of the team hold "Soul Space", a week long prayer space event held at the local high school CCS.
"Explore": a lunchtime club run in CCS. It is co-lead by a team of youth leaders including Amy from various villages within the Cotswolds. The aim is to allow pupils to explore the values and beliefs surrounding the Christian faith in a relaxed and engaging way.
Amy provides mentorship and support for pupils in school who need targeted intervention.