Sunday Services
A typical Sunday
Everyone is welcome to share worship.
Sunday services are:
9.30 am, traditional language Eucharist, accompanied by the organ and a robed choir;
11 am, either a communion and non-communion service, accompanied by a range of instruments including the organ. All ages are warmly welcomed.
Refreshments are served at 10.30 am between the morning services. If you are visiting please let our welcome team know and they can introduce you to others.
On the first Sunday of the month there is just one morning service, “The Ten” at 10.30am. This service is for everyone and it provides an opportunity for people to explore and deepen their faith in an informal atmosphere.
6.30 pm – Compline/Night Prayer except on the first Sunday when there is sung Evensong.
You are free to attend the service that suits you best.
In St Michael and All Angels, Broad Campden, there are usually two services of Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer at 8.15 am on the second and fourth Sundays each month.
There are occasional changes to this pattern for festivals and when we worship with our neighbouring parishes: please check before visiting.
You can learn more about the Vale and Cotswold Edge team and the prayers and worship it offers via the link below.